Cricket is back!

Cricket is back!

I hope you are looking forward to the start of the cricket season.  There’s a lot to be excited about!  There’s been lots of work going on behind the scenes so everything is ready for us to enjoy the summer, and we are keeping our fingers crossed that the sun will shine.

Club Training

Club training will start on Tuesday evenings from 6 April at 6pm.  We want to give the sessions more structure this year so everyone can get the most out of them so organised training will run from 6pm to 7.30pm.  We have asked a few senior players to organise them and more information will be sent out via the Squirrels’ WhatsApp group.

It’s going to be busy on the Strand on Tuesdays as the women and girls’ squad will also be training too.

Please ensure that you continue to follow the COVID Social Distancing requirements throughout.

More details about guidance from the ECB can be seen here


Our first fixture is on Saturday 10 April, when the 1st XI travel to Langley Mill for a warm up game.  There will also be an inter-squad game at the Strand on Saturday 17 April before the first NPL game on Saturday 24 April at the Strand against Hucknall.

NPL matches all start at 11.30am this year and will be played on a win/lose format.

On Sunday 18 April and Sunday 25 April we will be holding inter-club games at the Strand, in preparation for the start of the South Notts League season which starts on 1 May.  Ben Black and Sam Randall are organising these games.  Our Sunday teams also start their matches on 2 May.

Cup Competitions

We have entered 3 T20 cups this season, with the 2nd XI away at Kimberley on 18 May in the Chris Trafford Cup and the 3rd XI away at Gedling Colliery on 26 May in the Raleigh Cup.  The NPL T20 dates have not yet been confirmed.

We have also signed up for the U19 T20 competition this season and are currently waiting on the details of that competition.

Match tax

The Committee agreed to reduce match tax for this season and also widen the category for the lower charge.

Match tax – teas included: £10 for Seniors; £7 for Under 18s, juniors, students and unemployed

Match tax – teas not included: £8 for Seniors; £5 for Under 18s, juniors, students and unemployed

Annual Subscriptions

Annual subscriptions are due by 1 June and we would appreciate if playing members could pay them as soon as possible.  These subscriptions exclude junior members (Year 10 and below) who pay the junior subscription.

£120 for Seniors (discount of £30 if paid before 1 June)

£90 for Under 18s, students and unemployed (discount of £30 if paid before 1 June)

Subscriptions can be paid by

Bank Transfer to A/c No 61524488, Sort code 40-10-06 – please include a description and your name in the reference

Clicking on this link to the Attenborough CC Website

Many Thanks,

Martin Firbank

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