
Attenborough Cricket Club first achieved the coveted ECB Clubmark accreditation in 2006.

Clubmark acknowledges cricket clubs across England and Wales that are prioritising junior development, creating a benchmark for high quality community club cricket.

Getting involved
The Club are always looking for people to help maintain and further develop their offering to their junior cricketers.  You could be involved in a range of roles including coaching, scoring, umpiring or helping with administration.  The Club will provide support (including payment of course fees) to coaches in developing their skills.

Cricket club structure
The club structure can be found here. Many of the roles on the chart are covered by members of the Committee, while some of the roles are covered by club members volunteering to carry out specific tasks. To run a successful, developing cricket club takes lots of input from club volunteers. If there are any topics/areas that you would like to help/get involved with, noted on the structure chart please feel free to ask the chairman or any member of our Committee.

The Club Constitution or Rules can be found here.

* In line with the 2022 Clubmark requirements the committee has adopted the current “ECB Anti-Discrimination Code”
(We have also adopted the “ECB Recreational Conduct Regulations 2023” which can be found below in Codes of Conduct – this replaces our current code of conduct)


We have adopted the ECB’s Safe Hands Manual. Parents or guardians are required to sign Junior membership forms confirming that they are aware of the Club’s Safeguarding Policy.  Click here to read the policy.

Click on one of the following links to display the document:

Codes of Conduct: 

Code of Conduct – Last Reviewed Date: 01/05/24

Health and Safety Policy – Last Reviewed Date: 01/05/24

Recruitment Policy – Last Reviewed Date: 01/05/24

Whistleblowing Policy – Last Reviewed Date: 01/05/24

Code of Conduct for Parents and Carers – Last Reviewed Date: 01/05/24

Code of Conduct for Young People – Last Reviewed Date: 01/05/24

Youth Section Guidelines – Last Reviewed Date: 01/05/24

Equity Policy Statement – Last Reviewed Date: 01/05/24

Safe Hands Policy Statement – Last Reviewed Date: 01/05/24

ICT & Social Media Guidelines – Last Reviewed Date: 01/05/24

Membership Forms:
Junior Player Membership Form

Adult Player Membership Form

Vice President Membership Form