About Attenborough Cricket Club

The New Attenborough CC Clubhouse

The Attenborough CC Clubhouse

Attenborough Cricket Club play on the delightful village green in Attenborough, Nottinghamshire.

We have 4 Saturday league teams with the 1st XI playing in Division 1 of the Notts Premier League and the 2nd, 3rd & 4th XIs in the South Notts Cricket League Divisions A, D & K respectively.

On Sundays the 1st XI play in the Newark Alliance Division 1 & we have other fixtures for either our Sunday 2nd XI or Development XI playing friendly matches against like-minded clubs from Nottinghamshire & surrounding counties.

The club first achieved Clubmark status in 2006, was re-accredited in July 2022, and has a thriving junior section.

Our Women & Girls section AKA “Attenborough Starlings”, re-formed in 2019, & currently a hardball team & 2 soft ball teams in the East Midland Softball League.

The Clubhouse at The Strand was completely rebuilt in 2013 providing outstanding facilities for cricket and the local community. This was recently improved with the addition of a third changing room for the Women & Girls section for the start of the 2024 season.

A form to apply to be a Social Member of the Club is available for completion here.

Please use the Contact Us page if you have a question or need further information.