Vice President Renewal and new members!

Vice President Renewal and new members!

Morning all,

Hope you are well.

Firstly, we would like to thank our current VPs for their support over the years and especially last year where we had a shorter cricket season due to Covid-19. We hope to see you all down at The Strand once the cricket season starts!

If you haven’t already, we would like you to renew your VP membership with us. Please see below for details on how you can do this.

  • PREFERRED OPTION  – By Bank Transfer –  a payment of £25.00 to HSBC, Sort Code 40-10-06, Account Number: 61524488, quoting reference VP SURNAME
  • PayPal – please click here and you can pay through our website. Please can you provide your surname in the order notes at Checkout.

In addition, we would like to promote this special membership to new members! The benefits of becoming a Vice President are:

  • Join a welcoming atmosphere which exists at the Club between both Members and Players.
  • Access to competitive bar prices & modern clubhouse.
  • Invitations to Club socials/functions i.e. Presentation Night, Pie Night and many more.
  • Regular club email communications.
  • Access to the Club’s official WhatsApp group where you will receive the latest updates.

If you are interested then please can you complete this form and send it to . Also, please can you make a payment using one of the methods above.

Thank you again for your support and if you have any queries then please drop us an email, .

Kindest Regards,

Peter Roche

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